Where ESI Assists During The Project Planning Phase
Ideal System Types
ESI's E-Team:- Generates a list of energy needs/requirements for the proposed project
- Evaluates all potential sources of energy applicable to your project
- Reviews all potential code requirements that determine the best technologies to be incorporated in the Interactive Energy Grid (IEG) System
- Collaborates with the Architect’s and GC’s design and engineering team to optimize compatibility with the proposed building and site conditions
ESI's E-Team:- Provides several options and budget ranges to meet the needs of the project.
- Budgets all material and labor for complete system design and engineering, utilizing the ESI installation team or the contractor’s preferred subs.
- Creates upgrade paths for future system growth potential.
Space Planning
ESI's E-Team:- Gives your design team the space requirements for each component of the Interactive Energy Grid (IEG) and suggests where each of these components can be ideally located. We provide alternate locations if there are other factors (cost and aesthetics) involved in any suggested locations.
- Provides any level of mechanical or architectural drawing needed for your design to incorporate into the owner’s plan set.