Solar array and battery energy storage system provide for 50% of the property’s energy during the day. With CHP system providing supplemental electrical power and heat for process line day and night while automatically taking advantage of public grid’s low off-peak rates at night.
Full remote monitoring and control with limited remote serviceability means more uptime less mean time to repair. Includes a full suite of usage data, both real time and historical, available anywhere anytime with your connected device.
Manual bypass to full generator support via” Frankenstein” switch in the event of an emergency.
System supplies 240/120VAC split phase and 480VAC three phase power
Built-in N+1 inverter bank redundancy. If an inverter were to fail, there would be no degradation of service. The system would merely alert us to the problem so the the errant inverter can be when it is convenient. BAM’s™ Inverters are plug n’ play hot swappable. Replaceable with no interruption of service at all.